“245! Just in case you wondered, that is the number of Sundays we spent in temporary facilities – setting up and tearing down. Over four and a half years meeting in facilities that did not belong to us! Along the way we faced many challenges – each and every Sunday an army of faithful volunteers unpacking items needed for a growing church, only to repack them up a short time later. For many reasons, multiple moves are not healthy for a church family, but God showed His faithfulness! We have never been a group of people waiting to become a church – we’ve been a church, waiting for a place to call our own. It’s finally here!” – Excerpt from Pastor Jim’s comments in the bulletin for Celebration Sunday (September 7th, 2008 – our first service in our own facility!):
On December 7, 2003, a group of believers met in the Sunset Room of the Holiday Manor Convention Center. From that start, God has continued to lead people to this body of believers called New Hope, while we were renting facilities from the City of McPherson (Community Building) and from Central Christian College (Greer Auditorium). Groundbreaking ceremonies were held on our land on 7-7-2007, and just 14 months later – 9-7-2008 – we held our first service.
One unique thing about the building of our facility is that over 40% of the people of the congregation were involved in some phase of the project! Amazing! It couldn’t have been done without those who volunteered. Praise God!
Another unique thing is that, as we were building, our funds were utilized to build churches in five other locations around the world – India, Colombia, West Africa (2), and Haiti! Funds have also been provided to help a Hispanic congregation in nearby Wichita with preparation for further expansion of their outgrown facility. Praise God!
Charter members were received on February 8th, 2004, and our first Elder Board was unanimously affirmed prior to the service on February 22nd. By March, we had a temporary office in downtown McPherson, and by May, it was staffed full time!
Our pastoral staff was expanded in 2010 with the hiring of an associate pastor and a pastor of student ministry, and the Director of Children’s Ministry position was expanded to full time.
God continues to lead us, and bless us, as we continue to follow Him! The best is yet to come!