Our Vision At New Hope Is Simple: “Come,” “Grow,” “Serve,” And “Bring.” The Reason We Exist Is To Evangelize The Lost And To Make Disciples. This Four-Part Vision Provides The Direction To Accomplish Just That. We Ask That Everyone:
“Come”—Worship regularly on Sunday morning as we gather and learn to fulfill the first and greatest commandment to “Love the Lord” with all of our “heart, soul, mind and strength”. (Mark 12:30)
“Grow”—Get involved in a small-group and grow in your faith! It is through these small gatherings of Christians that we learn to fulfill the second greatest commandment to “Love our neighbor as ourselves”. (Mark 12:31)
“Serve”—Get involved in serving others and follow the Lord’s model of serving. Service is fundamental to the Christian faith. Healthy disciples serve. (Matt. 20:26)
“Bring”—Bring someone else along with you in the faith. This is perhaps the most neglected of all the areas of a growing believer’s life. Fulfilling the Great Commission is not optional for the growing believer! You are encouraged to “bring” others to the Lord either one-on-one or by bringing them to church so they can hear the gospel proclaimed.
The four parts of our vision comprise four key elements of a growing disciple’s life.
In the essential beliefs of the Christian faith, we have unity (Ephesians 4:4-6).
In the non-essential beliefs of the Christian faith, we have liberty (Romans 14:1, 4, 12, 22).
In all of our beliefs, we show love (1 Corinthians 13:2).
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