Welcome to Awana at New Hope Evangelical Church in McPherson, Kansas.  Awana is a Wednesday evening Bible-based program for all children ages 3-5th grade. 



Awana meets each Wednesday from 6:30-7:45 pm. Doors open for check-in at 6:15pm. Please don't drop off prior to that time, as our leaders are preparing for an awesome evening of teaching your children the gospel!


AWANA stands for: Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed taken from 2 Timothy 2:15, " Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the Word of God."

Awana Mission: That all children and youth throughout the world will come to KNOW, LOVE and SERVE Jesus Christ. We want to partner with parents to make disciples who glorify God in every area of life. 

A Typical Awana Evening:

1. Large Group Time

Directors lead their club in a Bible lesson time to incorporate what they are memorizing in a tangible and practical way. 

2. Handbook Time

Using achievement oriented learning segments, Awana training emphasizes the importance of God and His Word for sound living. Clubbers progress through workbooks together and leaders meet with them individually to go over what they have learned and verses they have memorized. 

3. Game Time

Every Awana meeting has a time of fun team competition. Organized games get all of the children to participate, unleashing natural energy, a sense of enthusiasm, and an atmosphere of having fun. 

Awana Club Nightly Schedule: 

Cubbies (Preschool-5 year olds): 6:30-6:45 Lesson, 6:50-7:10 Games, 7:15-7:30 Handbook & 7:35-7:40 Awards and pick up in classroom. 

Sparks (Kdg-2nd grade): 6:30-6:40 Opening Worship in Sanctuary, 6:45-7:00 Lesson, 7:05-7:20 Handbook, 7:25-7:40 Games, 7:45 Awards & Closing in Sanctuary. 

T & T (3rd-5th grade): 6:30-6:40 Opening Worship in Sanctuary, 6:45-7:00 Games, 7:05-7:20 Lesson, 7:25-7:40 Handbook, 7:45 Awards & Closing in Sanctuary. 

A note to parents: Each week your children will grow spiritually as they learn Bible verses. Experience shows that encouragement from a parent will make a big difference in the spiritual growth of your children. Please set aside time each week to help your children study their workbooks. 

Awana Ministry Director: Jessica Carpenter