Our women’s ministry, “Women of Hope,” continues to build upon the wisdom and direction of those who served diligently since its inception, with the enthusiasm of those now serving. We seek to meet the needs of women within our congregation, and beyond!
Check out the following areas of ministry, and pray about how YOU can become involved in Women of Hope. We’d love to welcome you to come alongside us as we work together to serve our church and our community.
Spiritual Growth is led by Anita Leach and exists to encourage and equip women to know God, understand His Word, and grow into women as described in Titus 2:4-5.
Hospitality is the area led by Mim Wedel who works closely with various team leaders, handling our church’s receptions, potlucks, funeral dinners, and fellowship hour, as well as providing for a kitchen coordinator to oversee the use of our kitchen.
Service is the ministry area which involves many teams. Chemo Care provides snacks & drinks for local chemo patients once a month. Meal Ministry Coordinator, Bonnie Miller, helps prepare and delivery meals to church families who are recovering from illness, have recently had babies and more. Kay Arthaud is the coordinator for Blood Mobile Canteen, serving meals to people donating blood at local blood donation sites in the area. Many talented women see that these areas of service are accomplished with great care.
Fellowship is the area of ministry through which we provide great special events for our women as well as women in our community and area.